Key Signature Entertainment recently created a video about who we are. Each of us in the office wanted to share our take on why we chose to make this video, and what it meant to us personally. Check it out!


This year Key Signature Entertainment will be celebrating its 10 year anniversary! We’ve taken on a couple of different looks over the years, but our message has always been the same. From the beginning I always struggled with how to clearly advertise our message. We do so many things! How on Earth do I consolidate everything we do into one marketing campaign. I thought about the company’s journey over this past decade and realized how many people it took to get us this far. Then it hit me! Our message doesn’t necessarily need to be about what we do, but who we are! We work with some amazing people inside and outside of our office. Our staff, clients, and musicians have become family over the years. The ironic thing about all of this is that they told me this without even being asked. It just came out during the video shoot without being prompted. At that moment I realized we’re doing something right!

It is nice to come to work everyday and be surrounded by people who care about you. The phone rings and its one of our live music partners just checking in to ask about our weekend. We receive texts from clients and musicians that just say “Thanks for all you do!”. We are fortunate to work in an environment where its not business ALL of the timedante:jmp

As the owner of Key Signature Entertainment I have tried a few things to push the needle forward. I’ve learned from my mistakes and I appreciate the KSE family for being patient. It feels like everyone else knew we were a family before I did and we have settled in to who we are. Can you imagine trying to put this in a 4 minute video? Hopefully you get a feel for what its like to work with us.


I have a 91 year old grandmother, and if she’s taught me anything, it’s that family can never be too big.  She and my grandfather single handedly created a village with lots of children, and grandchildren, and great grandchildren.  There’s always room for more without breaking the bonds that you already have, and I never thought that would relate to a work life until I started working with Key Signature.

I love what I do because I love the people I work with. It’s a true family – in the office setting, with our artists, and with our clients.  That’s why we wanted to make this video. We want to show off our relationships, and we want people to know who we are, even before they have a chance to meet us face to face.  We want the Key Signature family to flourish and grow.

The filming process was a first for me. I had never been on camera so it was nerve-wracking and fun; but the best part was hearing everyone else’s interviews.

events staff romareThe kind, heartfelt words, the mutual respect, and the continuous use of the word “family” only reaffirmed what we were trying to accomplish with this video, and why I enjoy working for Key Signature Entertainment.

I’ve only been a member of the Key Signature family for a year and a half at this point, and have built such wonderful and strong relationships and bonds in that short amount of time.  I look forward to seeing what this video does and what the future has in store for us all.


When I applied to be an intern with Key Signature Entertainment back in June of 2018, I did what I’ve always done when job searching: I did ample research on the company in preparation for an interview.

However, if Brandon had asked me to tell him what I knew about the “Key Signature Family”, I wouldn’t have known what on Earth he was talking about (and he might not have considered hiring me – smart move on his part). After working close to 40 hours in three and a half days with the Key Signature Event Team during Matthews Alive (and loving every bit of it), I really started to feel a family bond starting to form. I even started referring to Brandon and Mikayla as my “work parents” to their friends at networking events.

Fast forward to the final week of October. I’d been hired as the Key Signature assistant at this point and Halloween, pumpkin spice and Santa Claus inquiries were in the air. It was also time for the new Key Signature promo video to be filmed.

Being a part of the filming process really brought home the idea of Key Signature as a family, of sorts. I watched Lee Anne, J’Michael and John all come in one by one and describe on their own how they felt that Key Signature made them feel like another family. They hadn’t been in the same room together or been able to discuss what they might say beforehand. It wasn’t scripted at all. To me, I think that speaks volumes about the people we work with, both clients and musicians, and about the quality of the relationships we have with them.


Company Profile:

Brandon Crumpton, owner of Key Signature Entertainment, started booking live music for events over 15 years ago. He has lead the company through a growth period booking and producing entertainment to an average of over 700 events a year. Key Signature Entertainment has 2 full time employees and has developed an event staff to assist with larger, award winning events through out the season. Key Signature Entertainment was recently chosen as the 2018 Service Partner of the Year by the Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority. This honor was voted on by key decision makers in the hospitality and events industry.

Early in his career, Brandon realized that event professionals and musicians speak a different language. He noticed that both were trying to achieve the same results, but just went about the process differently. He built Key Signature Entertainment with the goal of bridging that communication gap so that both musicians and event professionals could produce successful events effectively and efficiently.

Services offered by Key Signature Entertainment include band booking, research, vetting, and concert production. Our specialty is taking your ideas and creating a live music experience for both you and your guests to enjoy.

Key Signature Entertainment is a company of musicians who book musicians. Our motto is “Good People, Good Music”. We understand that we are in the people business first and the music business second. We’ve created an easy process to find, secure, and contract the right entertainment for your event. We understand that it can be difficult to know if the live entertainment you’re hiring is talented and professional, so let us use our expertise in music and people to secure the right fit for your event.

Call us at (704)568-1968 or visit our How to Book page to fill out the form, and we’ll have a representative contact you to help find, select and secure the right entertainment for your event.


Key Signature Entertainment
8510 McAlpine Park Dr. Ste 201
Charlotte, NC 28211
[email protected]