
Hi there! Mikayla here.  So I was casually googling Key Signature Entertainment the other day while figuring out what task I should start next when I stumbled across an article about Key Signature that I had never seen before.  It was written by a colleague and close friend of ours back in 2015. I had started my journey with Key Signature in 2017, so I wanted to check it out. Almost immediately, I noticed that they had referred to us as “Key Signature Events” 5 times. Although this was written 4 years ago, it triggered moments that I had noticed in my time with the company where other close friends and CRVA.jpgcolleagues have referred to us as Key Signature Events – during announcements thanking us for our support or sponsorship, and even in print on voting ballots.

Key Signature Entertainment has been in business for 10 year now.  We won the 2019 CRVA Service Provider of the Year award, and our owner, Brandon, recently completed a small business administration certification program. It’s safe to say we’re in a good place, and ready to keep moving forward.  I wanted to know why our colleagues continued to misconceive our name after this many years of establishment in the industry. It’s obviously happening for a reason, considering the number of times people have called us “Key Signature Events.”  Should we be doing something different? Is this something we need to address?

KeySignatureEntertainmentHeist2019_Z84A8959.jpgOur name wasn’t always Key Signature Entertainment, the “Entertainment” portion of the name was added shortly after the company was incorporated for clarity purposes.  People naturally called the company Key Signature Entertainment because that’s all we did at that point; Brandon booked entertainment. After talking about it as a team, we realized that as years went on, Brandon and the other individuals who helped this business grow to what it is, had branded Key Signature as a company of event professionals.

We understand the thought process of event planners, the stress of the job, and the work involved in putting an event together. We understand that they shouldn’t have to worry about the entertainment at an event, so we work hard to make sure they don’t have to. We work so closely with our event professional friends, that we ourselves have become event professionals by association, which makes us a really great asset to planners for any event in need of live musicIMG_5897.JPG

I realized in this moment that what I thought was sort of a frustrating misconception, was really a compliment.  Our event planner friends whom we work with most don’t see us as just agents who book live music. They know that we understand their world, and because of that, they trust us. I learned really fast after moving to Charlotte from New York that down here, trust is the most important part of doing business. That’s why we consider the people we work with our KSE Family. I guess in this case, the “E” in KSE can stand for whatever you need it to be – Events or Entertainment!



Company Profile:

Brandon Crumpton, owner of Key Signature Entertainment, started booking live music for events over 15 years ago. He has lead the company through a growth period booking and producing entertainment to an average of over 700 events a year. Key Signature Entertainment has 2 full time employees and has developed an event staff to assist with larger, award winning events through out the season. Key Signature Entertainment was recently chosen as the 2018 Service Partner of the Year by the Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority. This honor was voted on by key decision makers in the hospitality and events industry.

Early in his career, Brandon realized that event professionals and musicians speak a different language. He noticed that both were trying to achieve the same results, but just went about the process differently. He built Key Signature Entertainment with the goal of bridging that communication gap so that both musicians and event professionals could produce successful events effectively and efficiently.

Services offered by Key Signature Entertainment include band booking, research, vetting, and concert production. Our specialty is taking your ideas and creating a live music experience for both you and your guests to enjoy.

Key Signature Entertainment is a company of musicians who book musicians. Our motto is “Good People, Good Music”. We understand that we are in the people business first and the music business second. We’ve created an easy process to find, secure, and contract the right entertainment for your event. We understand that it can be difficult to know if the live entertainment you’re hiring is talented and professional, so let us use our expertise in music and people to secure the right fit for your event.

Call us at (704)568-1968 or visit our How to Book page to fill out the form, and we’ll have a representative contact you to help find, select and secure the right entertainment for your event.


Key Signature Entertainment
8510 McAlpine Park Dr. Ste 201
Charlotte, NC 28211
[email protected]