We pride ourselves on the relationships we uphold with our event professional peers and musicians, and consider them part of our Key Signature Family. We understand that we’re in the people business first and the music business second, and make it our goal to help event professionals and musicians produce successful events safely, effectively, and efficiently. That’s why we live by the motto, Good People, Good Music.
The following musicians perform a variety of styles, and each one can bring a little something special to any small New Years Eve event. With the exception of John Doll, all of these acts can offer larger configurations upon request and availability. Click “Learn More” to find more information on what these musicians can offer for your New Years Eve 2020 event.
All musicians offered through Key Signature are virtual compatible with the help of our production partners!
- Acoustic duo
- Pop country covers and originals
- Solo saxophone with tracks; duo with another instrument
- Smooth jazz and R&B
- Electric violin duo
- Pop, folk, classical and more!
- Solo instrumental guitar
- Classical music
Still have questions or want to know what Key Signature is about? Give us a call at 704-568-1968 or visit our website to learn more about Who We Are and what we’re cooking up to keep live music alive in the ever-evolving world of Virtual/Hybrid and live events!
For more updates on what we’re up to here at Key Signature, connect with us via social media!
COVID-19 Event Safety Guidelines (signed by artists on all contracts)
- Artist to wear face covering at all times when not performing.
- Artist to disinfect all chairs and other equipment provided by Purchaser prior to use.
- Artist to disinfect all chairs and other equipment provided by Purchaser after use.
- Artist to practice social distancing and remain at least 6 feet away from Purchaser and guests when possible.